Infertility - Male Factor

I recently attended Male Infertility course with Jill Glover -  hosted by ACT Dublin. The point that really hit home with me was that male infertility is not a side issue - in fact, in 30% of the cases of infertility the pathology is in the male. 

Testing for male infertility is very easy . What's assessed is volume, motility vitality and morphology. Morphology means the percentage of sperm that look normal microscopically. Abnormal sperm may have a crocked head making it difficult to penetrate the ova, or they may have tail defects making it difficult for the to swim. In general, sperm volume is on the decrease, meaning that normal ranges in 1992 were higher than the ranges today. Why is this?

Causes of low volume can include the following: 

  • overuse of caffeine, overwork, working in a cold environment, 

  • too much exercise/excessive biking

  • tight underwear

  • overuse of laptops resting on the testes area. 

  • too few ejaculations. 

  • exposure to environmental toxins

  • increased age of fathers

What can improve sperm quality?

  • Regular Acupuncture improves sperm count and libido

  • Increased intake of fish, fruit and veg improves sperm morphology.

  • keep a BMI of 20-25

  • Try cordyceps mushrooms to increase sperm quality and physical endurance.

  • A 2004 study in the journal of fertility and sterility found that 200 mg daily of CoQ10 has been known to increase sperm motility.

  • Keep the testes cool - no phones in pockets, no laptops on labs and no sauna's.

  • Cannabis use is associated with poor sperm morphology.

  • Acupuncture treatment reduces scrotal temperature.

  • Antioxidants VIt C & E plus Zinc and Selenium are effective in improving sperm quality

  • Cessation of smoking increases sperm count by 50- 80%

Further Information

Tiffany Gallivan


As an eCommerce advisor + brand strategist Tiffany guides organizations, entrepreneurs, and professionals with their digital business strategies and marketing campaigns.

She has co-founded Valiant. modern media. as a platform for sharing modern solutions for businesses and support for organizations and entrepreneurs.

As a strategist, Tiffany uses time tested approaches to business and marketing; all the while leveraging powerful digital tools and technology to accelerate growth of your business; an eye for modern design, a serious knack for social media, and a passion for data, analytics, automation, and the internet as a tool.

With deep roots in Atlantic Canada, Tiffany lives everywhere online. By being digitally positioned, she has been able to reach clients from many corners of the globe - her depth of understanding the latest trends in business and shifts in digital consumer behaviours is the foundation to her expertise. She is available for one-on-one consultation, workshops, and speaking.

“I help guide you through all the bits of taking your business to the next level. Let’s get strategic and make it as easy as possible for people to do business with you!”


Tiffany has over 12 years experience as an entrepreneur and a dynamic background in marketing and communications - with a primary focus in digital business and eCommerce development. Entrepreneurship has been a lifelong pursuit for Tiffany, and her deepest passion lies with working along side other driven entrepreneurs and change makers.


Website development and design - with a speciality in eCommerce and mCommerce. Comprehensive growth plans relating to digital business & marketing. Digital infrastructure development. Digital positioning. Online marketing. Brand identity & design. Social media growth management. Course building. Creative design. Content development. Online stores. Freelance writer. Coaching.


Retail, eRetail, mRetail; global high fashion and entertainment; personal and influencer brands; industrial development; real-estate and real-estate development; marijuana business; professional practitioners; farm-to-table; alternative health and wellness; artisan and craft products; and food and bakery service.

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