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A Day of Slowing Down : Wicklow

A Day of Slowing Down : Wicklow

private picturesque high vibration location off the N11 close to Bray

A day of rest and slowing down

Divine mantra meditation, gentle movement, soul work and relaxation in a stunning location.

Spring Energy - an invitation to change and play with new idea’s. Take a look at what seeds you wish to plant for the year ahead.


Emer McFarlane - Acupunture, Coach, Mantra, Energy work & Erin Kelly- Intuitive, Energy Healer, Herbal Elixer Queen.

Cost : 95e

light lunch provided

inquire via email

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Reiki Level 2 -  280e
to Oct 6

Reiki Level 2 - 280e

Learn Reiki Level 2

Who can learn Reiki 2:

Anyone who has taken level 1 Reiki and I recommend that they have had 21 days to integrate level 1 before learning level 2 but it is possible to learn Reiki 2 straight after Reiki 1. If you have learned Reiki 1 with a different teacher, that’s no problem at all, you can still learn Reiki 2 with me and i will give you my Reiki 1 manual .

What will you gain:

Receive two Attunements and Certificate of Completion

Deepen your self-healing
Now you learn three Reiki symbols focusing on energies that bring powerful physical and emotional balancing. You will learn additional Tera-Mai Reiki Symbols.

Explore intuition & symbols

An important part of Second Degree is to move beyond standard hand positions when you treat people, to embrace intuitive working. You’ll learn how to allow the energy to guide you in terms of where you rest your hands; it’s a lovely way to work.

Practise distant healing - you will learn more about Distance Healing and how to use the Distance Symbol. Send healing with confidence to a person, situaion or event past, present or future.

Practice Reiki There will be plenty of time for practical work which will help you to feel confident as a Reiki Practicioner upon leaving the workshop.

Meditation techniques from Traditional System and Shamanism and time to reflect and share

Deepening Practice and discussion around the 5 Precepts

Fee - 280e

Two day course

Classes are limited to 6 students.

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Reiki Level 1 - 150e

Reiki Level 1 - 150e

Reiki Level 1 is where your self healing journey starts. If you enjoy wroking with the energy of unconditional love and would like to experience and understand your own power and your connection with the Universe and Spirit this course is for you.

On a practical level, being attuned to Reiki is very grounding and helps to build self confidence an attitude of gratitude and a greater sense of self -awareness and joy.

  • What you will experience and receive on this course includes :

  • your REiKI 1 Attunement

  • A full REiKi Treatment

  • A REIKI 1 Manual

  • What you will learn on this course includes:

  • The History of Reiki and Mikao Usui - the founder of Reiki

  • The 5 Reiki Principles

  • The Seven Major Chakras and Subtle bodies

    How to give yourself a full Reiki Treatment

  • Hand positions used when giving others Reiki

  • Meditation, Breath and Qi Gong Techniques

About your teacher:

Emer is a Transformational Life Coach, Acupuncturist, Reiki and Seichim Master and a mum of 4 kids - :) my aim - helping you to expand your heart space and trust in self and healing potential and keeping it real and useful for you. x

Investment - 150e for the day.

One to one or small groups of up to 4 people - enquire re other days. We have 2 dates running per year .

one midweek and one on a Saturday, please enquire re dates if interested in learning Reiki

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