Acupuncture & Healing Sessions
General Acupuncture & Healing Sessions
Acupuncture works for many ailments such as:
IBS, Insomnia, Musculoskeletal Pain, Anxiety, Emotional Stress, Vertigo, Cosmetic and More
and are often combined with
Reiki Healing,
Chinese Cupping, Moxibustion, Massage, Naturopathy.
Book general acupuncture 55 mins
Pregnancy Acupuncture.
Acupuncture offers women the choice of drug free treatment and can be successfully used for the treatment of a wide range of conditions for example Exhaustion, Nausea, Dizziness, High BP, Insomnia, sinusitis, cystitis, coughs and colds, headaches and stress related symptoms.
Book pregnancy acupuncture. 55 mins
Fertility Acupuncture.
There is plenty that Acupuncture, a healthy diet and correct life-style can do to nurture your nervous system, improve egg quality and overall emotional, mental, physical health.
Book initial fertility acupuncture session 85mins
Peri and Post Menopause
When is a good time to start preparing for the Second stage of your life? My advice to women is to take a nurturing approach to their Bodies, Mind and Spirit from around age 35.
Book initial menopause consultation 85mins
Book Facial Session 85 mins