Pregnancy Acupuncture

Pregnancy Acupuncture.

Acupuncture offers women the choice of drug free treatment and can be successfully used for the treatment of a wide range of conditions for example Exhaustion, Nausea, Dizziness, High BP, Insomnia,  sinusitis, cystitis, coughs and colds, headaches and stress related symptoms.  


“‘Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished’”


Nuture yourself so that you can nurture others

“Thank you for giving me healing and a space of peace and serenity for the past few months couldn’t have gotten through it without you!”


During pregnancy, it’s highly beneficial to nurture our emotions and to build inner stillness and to be open and kind to ourselves, rest often, eat well, look at beautiful paintings, eat exquisite and healthy nourishing foods and seek out classical, beautiful music.  It is such an amazing job to be making a whole person and helping their being come to life. 

Acupuncture can be used safely throughout your pregnancy for general wellbeing.  Many women say that they even just love lying up on the Acupuncture bed for a well- earned rest.  

There are certain key times for acupuncture such as having a session at the end of 3 months and at the end of 6 months to replenish the mother’s qi and reserves or essence.

From 36 weeks on weekly acupuncture is recommended to aid the birthing process. 

Breech Presentation.

Breech turning - 70% effective between 34- 36 weeks.

If your baby in Breech presentation and it's after 36 weeks please still do get in touch. 


Fertility Acupuncture


Post-Natal Acupuncture