Acupuncture Support
Nuture yourself so that you can nurture others
Acupuncture offers women the choice of drug free treatment and can be successfully used for the treatment of a wide range of conditions for example Exhaustion, Nausea, Dizziness, High BP, Insomnia, sinusitis, cystitis, coughs and colds, headaches and stress related symptoms.
Acupuncture can be used safely throughout your pregnancy for general wellbeing. Many women say that they even just love lying up on the Acupuncture bed for a well- earned rest.
There are certain key times for acupuncture such as having a session at the end of 3 months and at the end of 6 months to replenish the mother’s qi and reserves or essence.
During pregnancy, it's worthwile to slow down a bit and nurture our emotions, build inner stillness, and be kind to ourselves - in an ideal world that is! Rest often, eat well, enjoy beautiful paintings, savor exquisite and healthy foods, and listen to classical, beautiful music. Creating a new life is an incredible task, and taking care of yourself is crucial.
Acupuncture can be safely used throughout your pregnancy for general well-being. Many women find great comfort and relaxation simply lying on the acupuncture bed for a well-earned rest.
There are specific key times for acupuncture during pregnancy, such as at the end of the third and sixth months, to replenish the mother's Qi and reserves or essence.
From 36 weeks on, weekly acupuncture is recommended to aid the birthing process.
Breech Presentation?
Breech turning - 70% effective between 34- 36 weeks.
If your baby in Breech presentation and it's after 36 weeks please still do get in touch.
Pre-birth Preparation.
From 36 weeks we also recommend a weekly Acupuncture session to prepare you for birth.
From 36 weeks we also recommend a weekly Acupuncture session to prepare you for birth.
From 40 weeks onwards we can carry out labour preparation Acupuncture.
If you are overdue you may require more than one session.
Specific points are used to stimulate and strengthen uterine contractions, promote proper fetus positioning and encourage the downward movement of Qi (energy) which can bring on labour.
All published studies have shown acupuncture to be safe for both mother and fetus when applied by a qualified practitioner.
It is well understood that acupuncture helps to increase endorphin release. Acupuncture in labour helps the mother to remain calmer and more focused, increasing her body’s capacity to produce endorphins and bringing a greater capacity to cope with the labour pain.
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