Goddess Saraswati - Communication

Goddess Energy

Some of you may know that one of my guilty pleasures is to practice Mantra Meditation and am particulary fascinated with the Hindu Goddesses - the stories and colours are wonderful and what Irish person doesn’t enjoy a great story. This week I am drawn very much to the Goddess Saraswati She is the mother of Tantra and her characteristics - we call her when we wish to invoke - creativity, wisdom, the spoken work, singing, imroved technological skills.

Here is an exercise for the curious to do - without self Judgement - Think of a time over the last few days when you may have had glitches in your communication - whether it be IT related/Social Media or in person or fell into habitaul pattern with your speech and vibe. Did you find yourself moaning more than usual or gossiping? Was it one of those weeks? or were you in creative/expressive/expansive/Gracious flow.

Saraswati is swan like, the Goddess of Flow and everything is in harmony but she urges us to mindful with our speech. Think of the 3 gates of Speech ‘Is it kind , is it neccessary, is it true’

Communication - verbal and non verbal - is everything. What is your style of communication? Honest, funny, challenging, relaxed, informative, changeable, fixed,

Click on the Link below to listen to a live version of Krisha Das singing Saraswati Mantra - I find it so peaceful and uplifting at the same time. It does something to me as one might say. I saw him perform live in Dublin a few years back when I was training to be a Kirtan Leader so maybe that helps.



Valentine's Day - love yourself


Winter Time = ‘Kidney’ energy time in Chinese Medicine