Valentine's Day - love yourself

Camelia Rose -

I posted an image of a single Camelia that came into bloom just yesterday on Valentine’s Day. I was really touched by is’s cheeky aloneness and vibrancy, unafraid to just Love Itself and shine.

It made me feel aware to the cycles of life and how many women I work with are TTC, other’s are New Mother’s or in MidLife piece or in Post Menopause and at the same time, my kids are getting older, my mother is getting older and we are all still here just going along. I see myself in everyone who comes into the clinic and have more compassion and understanding as the years and cycles continue for the work that all women do and the roles that we play whether we have children or not.

When I googled the Spiritual Meaning of Camelia’s - this is what I found below.

In Mythology the Camellia symbolises love and devotion and the beauty of the flower has been treasured by couples for centuries.The Chinese believe that the petals reflect the spirit and beauty of a woman. Uniquely, the male and female parts of the Camellia flower are inseparable, even when it wilts, which symbolises an eternal, everlasting love.

If the Chinese believe it then I can too :)


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