Cha cha changes - Are you going through a Transition or Change? How is your Brain

When we are experiencing Changes of any kind in our lifes - we require a lot more Brain Power.

Here’s why The research shows that people's response to change is common, at a biological level. Change creates a painful experience in the brain. Much like being punched or breaking a bone. Our brain responds to and encourages us to create patterns, regular ways of doing things.

Researchers are actually saying ‘pain’ this makes so much sense. Change hurts and takes effort and I for one never cut myself enough slack during these painful times.

Here’s some examples of change - a shift in Hormones during our menstrual cycle, planning a holiday for a large family, dealing with sickness of an elderly parent, change in Job or the end of a long-term Relationship.  The list is endless and it can be mentally exhausting.

When I started going through the final stages of peri-menopause we had a lot of stress and changes going on with one of my kids and her Secondary School and another  of my kids went to a special reading school – we had 4 children in 4 different schools at one point -  and while it all ended up being fine, my brain was using a lot of energy trying to adapt to this change during my already stressful inner landscape hormonal stage.


So while I could mentally deal with all of the school changes, hormonal shifts in the house – I noticed that I was getting ratty and experiencing brain fog and being a bit forgetful regarding other things and with other people in my life and not really knowing why or putting 2 and 2 together – that was the worst part – not understanding why I felt so shit.


Thankfully I was allowed some grace and I also gave grace to those dear to me.


Are you going through a change of any kind ? New baby, Trying to conceive, New Relationship, Hormonal shift into Menopause?  –

why not  give your brain the energy it needs by eating the right foods.

Here are some Brain foods

  • Blueberries

  • Nuts and Seeds

  • Wild Salmon

  • Greens – dark and leafy

  • Advocado’s

  • Cacao or Dark Chocolate

  • Tumeric

  • Tomotoes

  • Coffee and Tea.. Well look .. we kind of knew it already but there are alternatives.

There are also many supplements

  • Lion’s Mane is a great one.  I was taking 3g daily at one point.

  • Omega 3,

  • Creatine -2 -5gms daily

  • Vit D,

  •  BVits.

    Being kind to your brain becuase it’s hurting makes a lot of sense. Change is Hard, Change is Painful, We also need and love change - let’s honour the experience by being kind and compassionate to our Brains and our Hearts.


Roses are Beautiful and so are You


Valentine's Day - love yourself