Psyllium Husks
Psyllium Husks and the world of Fibre
It’s a great time of year to add some Psyllium Husks into your diet. Derived from the plant ‘Plantago’ husks are a plant form of soluble fibre that acts as a natural laxative which have the potential to Expand, Draw water in and bulk up the contents of the Colon and effectively sweep it out.
Sounds good right?
There are many health benefits to this:
The husks can bind to bad cholesterol reducing the instance of heart disease.
May alleviate symptoms of IBS, constipation, ulcers and colitis.
Help with weight loss
Their cleansing action will be beneficial for the skin too as our skin is often a mirror to what’s going on inside.
How to take:
You can buy it in powder or capsule form. If you buy the power form just mix it with water to form a paste and a daily dose is around 10gms. Less is more – so just try it once a week in-between meals.
Wait 2 hours on either side before taking other supplements as the cleansing action of the husks may sweep the supplements out too.
It’s worth noting that psyllium husks should be avoided if you are taking other medication or at least check with your doctor first.
I would also avoid if you are feeling depleted or have any underlying conditions or are Pregnant. Use with extreme caution if you have allergies and it’s a new product for you.
Like anything, this may or may not agree with your system and it’s wise to look for both positive or adverse effects, such as; bloating so start small and drink plenty of water, monitor and review sensibly.
If unsure always check with your Doctor first. If the husks are working for you, increase your fluid and exercise and make healthy lifestyle and dietary choices to maximise their potential.
A note on Fibre
If Psyllium husks are not for you but you want a little bit of a bowel cleanse then increase your fibre.
Soluble fibre (such as Psyllium Husks) attracts water and has many health benefits such as the heart related ones above and helps reduce blood sugar spikes - examples include oats, barley, nuts, seeds and legumes and fruit.
Insoluble fibre does not attract water, it ‘bulks’ things up and speeds up the digestive process includes fruits containing seeds and with skins on or brown rice and buckwheat.
Just to add to the complexity of Fibre, Psyllium is also classed as a Viscous fibre (along with honey, flax, legumes and flax) this helps you feel fuller for longer and can aid with weight loss as you aren’t feeling quite so hungry.